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What is Modbus to MQTT Gateway?

Views : 14167
Author : IIOT Gateways
Update time : 2022-01-06 17:13:16

What is Modbus to MQTT Gateway?

Modbus to MQTT Gateway BL101 is designed for converting Modbus Protocol to MQTT Protocol over Ethernet or 4G Wireless Cellular Network.

There are serval models suitable for converting Modbus to MQTT protocol, BL100, BL101, BL102,BL110.

For BL100 Modbus to MQTT Gateway, it suitable for Modbus to MQTT over 4G Wireless Cellular Network;
For BL101 Modbus to MQTT Gateway, it suitable for converting Modbus RTU/Modbus TCP to MQTT Protocol over Ethernet or 4G Wireless Cellular Network;
See below:

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